
Run databuild using a buildfile:

$ data-build.py buildfile.json

buildfile.yaml contains a list of operations to be performed on data. Think of it as a script for a spreadsheet.

An example of build file could be:

- operation: sheets.import_data
  description: Importing data from csv file
    sheet: dataset1
    format: csv
    filename: dataset1.csv
    skip_last_lines: 1
- operation: columns.add_column
  description: Calculate the gender ratio
    sheet: dataset1
    name: Gender Ratio
      language: python
      content: "return float(row['Totale Maschi']) / float(row['Totale Femmine'])"
- operation: sheets.export_data
  description: save the data
    sheet: dataset1
    format: csv
    filename: dataset2.csv

JSON buildfiles are also supported. Databuild will guess the type based on the extension.